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Voice of Indonesia

Rp 75.000
Rp 50.000
You Save: Rp 25.000
The articles in this little book are not written just for any body. These articles are written for YOU, for those brave ones who are ready to identify their own weaknesses and work to overcome them. 
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Tri Hita Karana: Ancient Balinese Wisdom for Neo Humans

Rp 50.000
Rp 22.000
You Save: Rp 28.000
The author of this little but very important and timely book tries to awaken us to the true meaning and practice of Tri Hita Karana - The 3 Principles of Well Being 
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Christ of Kashmiris

Rp 150.000
Rp 120.000
You Save: 20.00%
This book is about the Ever-Living Jesus and His Gospel for Modern Man and Woman. Jesus not only lived in India, but also shed His mortal body there to attain to Immortality. 
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Sufi Solutions to World's Problems

Rp 55.000
Rp 28.000
You Save: Rp 27.000
There has been so much emphasis on the outer forms of religion and religious rituals - that the spirit of religiousness and religiosity are completely forgotten. This must be corrected, and the Sufis alone can do it. 
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From Bali to Belo Horizonte - In Pursuit of the Indigenous...

Rp 65.000
Rp 30.000
You Save: Rp 35.000
The author of this book believes that we have much to learn from the ancient wisdom of so called indigenous peoples, who are often marginalized by civilized society and religious institutions... 
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Sai Anand Gita - Lord's Song of Bliss Eternal

Rp 40.000
"Baba's message is not only universal and relevant to peoples of all faiths and coming from all kinds of backgrounds, but also applicable at all times, and under all circumtances. "His spirituality is not the forest-academy spirituality, but the market 
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Guru Yoga - The Way Within

Rp 30.000
Rp 25.000
You Save: Rp 5.000
Masters are not comfort-pillows. Masters are always hostile to our illusory comfort. They cannot be otherwise. They are against our innate laziness. They want us to wake up. If we want to wake up, then we must bear with the Master-Bell ringing. Let us not 
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Soul Quest: Journey from Death to Immortality

Rp 80.000
An enlightened master was once asked, "who are you? are you an angel, a god, or what?!" The Master replied with a meaningful smile, "I am awake!" Indeed, an enlightened being never claims anything other than just that, and with such profound simplicity 
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Life: A Traveler's Guide to Journey Within

Rp 60.000
Are we alive, or merely living? Being alive is very dynamic. It means that we are evolving all the time. Living, on the other hand, can be static. One can go on living without ever evolving! We are living, yes... no doubt! Sadly, however, most of humanity 
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One Earth One Sky One Humankind

Rp 30.000
The present book is a valuable addition to the subject of religion. Having been researched and written in a strictly scientific manner . The author has compiled authentic quotations directly from religious books and has left it to the reader himself to un 
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The Hanuman Factor

Rp 40.000
Motivational speakers weaken our soul and kill the spirit it takes to face the challenges of life. We begin to believe in outside factors to motivate us and depend on borrowed knowledge. This book is not about such external motivation, but about tappin 
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The Wisdom of Bali

Rp 225.000
World class tourism destination Bali is well-known for her natural beauty and exotic culture. But within beautiful Bali hides another type of 'beauty': the pearls of wisdom to heed and practice. Bali's indigenous wisdom is laden with philosophical and uni 
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The Wisdom of Sundaland

Rp 60.000

The Kaligis Success Factor

Rp 60.000
OTTO CORNELIS KALIGIS, a man whom Anand Krishna calls "the law icon" is appreciative to Anand's effort in writing this impressive work, which is based on O.C. Kaligis' life-story, 'A Man with Million Surprises'. It is Kaligis' success as a man of spirit a 
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